Everyone here is friendly and chatty!
Included in the 15 euros a night is a free breakfast!! Crazy good value!!!
Just sitting down I'm already chatting with a German lad(Jacob) getting ideas of where to visit when I get there, at the next table a group of Argentinian girls are passing around a drink of what looks like mixed herbs floating on boiling water ... The cup has a fixed straw to drink the infusion they pass it over for me to try..... You only die once eh!
The video is my reaction, it's a drink called Yerba Mate no idea what's in it but if the link doesn't work from the blog I think it tastes like a mixture of black coffee and tea while not a regular flavour it's something I'd try again.... For now at least it made me some more friends!!
I like a challenge and the next was to take on Naples metro at first few glance's it wasn't at all clear until it became glaringly obvious there's a blue line on Google maps looks like it's a metro line..... And I think it is, but the three entrances to the metro I found at Municipo the station it appeared to start from only headed north on the yellow line perseverance and plain luck played a hand.... I took the yellow route up to a Station called Museo (near the archaeology museum) a linking passage to Cavour station and I'm heading where I want to go!
It's a Numismatists shop a way out of town.... I'm glad I made the effort, even tho the front door was locked they were open for business! I'd come looking for my one souvenir from Italy that I'm allowing myself!
And it's a little cracker that I bought.... A tiny silver sesterces from Republican Rome 211bc! It wasn't cheap but it was cheaper than one I found online.... And that's good enough!
It's got Roma on the obverseand Castor and Pollux riding horses on the obverse....a beautiful little coin!!
The guys in the shop were very polite and capable of dealing with this Englishman! Much to my benefit!.
Leaving the shop I look up at the hill above me it's face being particularly smooth and in places showing signs of ancient workmanship..... I had to investigate.... Passing under the railway line I find a locked gate and a sign ..... I'd blindly wandered to the entrance to the Tomb of Virgil the poet! No entrance here of course but I spot an old lane running alongside the establishmentparts of the left hand wall must have been off Roman origin surely!
But the Tomb is to the right and over a wall that the railway passes..... It was worth a look I could just make it Virgil's tomb! where the arch is....
Nice random find!
With my souvenir tucked away safely and a little explore done I head back to the station, debating wether to stop at the museum at the station I change trains at ..... Of course I head for the museum!
It's raining now so there wouldn't be much option, but I'm glad I did..... If you're ever looking for an excellent museum on the Roman era this is the one!
There were literally hundreds of Roman statues! from emperor'sto dogswith Roman art and mosaic some with Tessera on bigger than a few millimeters! incredible work!!!
In one section named Gabinetto Segretto- cabinet of secrets? There was a collection of what can only be described as Roman porn !
Phalluses everywhere! flying cock pendants small phallic pendants, signs to brothel's comprising of naturally a penis!
This is the Romans for you!
And then there is the opposite the finest gold work.... Possibly from the Greek era when parts of Italy where Greek colony'sthe most incredible fibulae!!! Puts my finds to shame! 😏
I can't do it justice here!
So visit if you can.
Back through the rain to the station and again to the Hostel it's about 5pm I want to relax for a bit before heading out again.
A good chat with my dorm mates then I'm into town to the supermarket I found Sole 365 stocking up for tomorrow, once more into the rain and I'm after a pizza restaurant, finding one tucked down an alley with a few Italian couples sitting eating I realise I've found a locals restaurant.... The real thing... Making my order I stand there feeling a bit awkward in my inability to say anything!
It was a pleasure to watch the pizza being made, upon receiving it I manage a gesture and one phrase..... pizza maestro!! Suddenly the room changes..... Big smiles and a little laughter.... They appreciate my attempt at a proper thank you! Small victories like this make a day!
I'll be going back again I think!
For now the pizza is taken to the dorm..... Damn it's fine!!!
I've got a trip booked for Friday and I plans for tomorrow.....I think I'll be extending this stay....🙂