Walking 1000 miles from Lands end to John O'Groats in aid of The Air Ambulance (starts april 7th 2024)

Friday, 31 January 2025

day 16 the futures bright the futures orange!

The last breakfast at Toc hostel Madrid the most languages I can't understand today .. mostly from China or thereabouts, excited kids the enthusiasm is good to hear! 
I seem to have been in a bit of a bubble language wise and lacking the connection I can usually make with people regardless of language.... Big city blues perhaps? 
My morning plan is to simply catch the Metro (damn the country boy is so metropolitan now!!) and head to a district called Ritiro, out of the metro and the first sight is of Puerto(portal?) Alcala lots of folk doing selfies in front which I decide to do, a Spanish couple kindly offer to take the pic for me (every time People do this it's a huge leap of faith my trip hinges so much on my phone!) pictures taken I'm assuming from the gestures they were taking more, wrong!! They meant can you get out the way! Realisation hits with a huge laugh from me! I get out the way still laughing accompanied by the Spanish couples laughter! Connections made! 
Ritorio park is huge with rose gardens, statues, fountains water features and a crystal palace the latter inevitably closed for reconstruction, i killed a couple of hours softly wandering around before heading to Puerta de Atocha stacione , a quick stop at a decathlon store to replace my ultralight day pack..... I'd lost that the day before, luckily nothing important in it! 
At the station I wander around and find a neck pouch to replace my money belt... Flipping uncomfortable thing it had become! 
This is the first station I've used with X-ray to check your bags, carrying a camping gas canister was a big no no! 
Interesting health and safety kicked in where I was told to just take it out the station..... Meaning drop it in a rubbish bin..... If you hear of a small gas explosion in Madrid, probably down to me!! 🫢
On the train and heading south, the scenery is beautiful and varied with almost endless plains with distant mountains rearing up on the horizoninto hillier country with countless tunnels for the train the ground is kept moist in the summer(I assume) by forests with grazing underneath the boughs for livestock, penned in by limestone walls hacked from the abundant rocks in this rugged country. 
Further on the trees are replaced by endless olive plantations....through the mountain range the Sierras de Córdoba stopping at the station there before continuing into the south west of Spain and new country, here I'm seeing cacti and so many oranges!!! 
What else tho we're in Seville!!! The orange capital to me! first impressions of Seville aren't great it appears to be a normal slightly dusty town, then I hit old town....oranges line the roads and twisting passages, in the pic above I hear good north English accents and stop for a chat! Nice to be fluent for a minute or two! 
Continuing my progress towards the hostel my jaw drops this place is stunning .... Did I mention it's warm? oh yes it's lovely!! ..... The combination is intoxicating, I'm quickly falling for Seville!which is hardly surprising! 
Into the Seville Toc hostel and I'm greeted by Alba ,not Scottish even with that name! If anyone was perfect for the job she is, lovely girl. 
I'm never disappointed by the hostels on the continent and the view from tonight's dorm is easily the best, you'd pay hundreds for this view in the UK not £52 including breakfast for two nights..... Which I may well extend! briefly rested and I head out into the warm evening such good vibes here it's enchantingmy grip of the language being as poor as it is I still find with a lot of help from the restaurant a lovely Tapas meal(my first and I still don't know what it means!)shark meat, cuttlefish, sardines, squid plus other I can't remember! 
This is the most full I've felt in two weeks.... I may well be regaining lost weight!
Back through the warm streets and alleys to the hostel I see my first stars since leaving the UK, winter weather hasn't been conducive for that pleasure.... This place is different. 
Through reception and waving a good night to the smiling Alba and I'm up into my top bunk for a good night's sleep


  1. Ma says, 'If you visit a marmalade factory could you put a jar in your pocket' Then looking ahead, if you are going to Gibraltar, did you know you can have a trip to Tangier without a visa?
    Love Ma and Peter

  2. Received a letter from HSBC regarding changes in conditions to your account, called 'Changes and the current terms and conditions' available on hsbc.co.uk./legal , should you so choose. Mum
