And another day to enjoy the smiles sights sounds smells and feel of Seville!
How could I resist!
Today I go slow, I know my time here is drawing to an end so I have three main visits today, the first being the Catedral de Sevilla!
There's no real avoiding trying to understand a people without seeing their spirituality, Roman Catholics do tend to like gold and silver and glitz and very man made!
this crown particularly!
Not exactly emblematic of the crown of thorns!
But this just my opinion and at best it counts for nothing here! As it should.
I do like the symbolism tho, there's a strength to it almost a fighting stance in this statue
Another comes across in little figurines in shops around town presumably of characters from the inquisition... Torquemada perhaps?
i can't imagine these people ever hiding behind masks to enforce anything they are incredibly open!
The internal structure of the cathedral leaves you in doubt of the churches power and God's with the huge towering columns and vaulted ceilings
Being normal whichever cathedral you enter, a bit different here tho with the remains of the huge minaret from it's original use as an Islamic temple
No shortage of other styles here to!