Today's adventure started with a quick breakfast at the hostel, with a few chats with familiar faces as they emerge, I'm up early-ish to catch a bus tour!
I probably need to do more similar things to keep the journey fresh!
Today was certainly a refresher!
I'm off to Vesuvius! Yes I'm cheating a little taking a bus most of the way up the mountain, I have nothing to prove by climbing up tho.
On the bus it seems I've only booked the bus! I had thought 19 euros a particularly good deal! A quick visit to the web site and I've booked the remaining 11 euros to gain entry into the park! As they call it!
It's a pretty smooth twisting track with the older folk struggling to make progress but I think most would have reached the top, it's not that far from the tourist stop
it is a bit cloudy on the way up and my expectations were low of a good view in any direction, but you keep in hope, you're here and you never know what the wind blows, the gods were on our side after reaching the lip of the caldera we had to walk on as the cloud was still pretty thick, but it didn't last and I could soon see back over Napoli
with the lifting cloud visibility was becoming good all-round and down into what would once have been a boiling mass of lava (last1944) at the top end of the path you can't see right to the bottom, but views of the strata of the rock and the clouds of steam coming off of the still hot walls were impressive to see, with the smell of sulphur in the air!
behind apparently you can see Pompei but I failed to!
I'm assured it's center in this image.....
Heading back down as we only have two hours on the mountain I reach the initial viewing point of the cone..... It's completely clear now!
looking down to the very bottom, safe now but it will certainly blow again in the future!
Back down the track to the waiting point for the bus a little cafe serves a cappuccino and the bus arrives to take us back down the mountain....pyroclastic flows still visible and a lot of dead trees.... Not the friendliest environment
A short trip really but for 29 Euro including the bus I'm happy!
Into Napoli again and the ever present images of Diego Maradona....I head to the coastline, there aren't many options to do this with the majority of the waterline converted to docks but I found a blissful spot looking over the bay and back to Vesuvius now with her head in the cloud of an otherwise beautiful sunny day!
this was the perfect headspace I needed I enjoyed a good hour or so thinking nothing just breathing in the smells and sounds and sights..... Lovely!
But the days drawing on and I want to get food, back at the hostel my Chinese friend Tao
suggested heading out to a restaurant good call! A very nice seafood meal later
and we're back at the hostel both have early starts tomorrow!