Walking 1000 miles from Lands end to John O'Groats in aid of The Air Ambulance (starts april 7th 2024)

Saturday, 1 March 2025

day46 in transit!

Not much to say today, just traveling across Italy from Napoli to Bari, 
I did get a lovely send of from Nunzia pleased to get a huge hug from her as I leave! Sweet lass! so it was the usual linea 1 on the metro to Napoli Centrale then to Caserta then on to Bari through the backbone of Italy, mountains, fields, cacti,olive oil groves, vinyards one with a chap doing some self fertilizing of his crop 💩 I noticed looked up and saw an Italian chap had to, we both started laughing! 😂
The track to Bari crosses to the coast father North than my target town , following the coast it looks a bit like Málaga Italian style!....
Glad to be missing this bit! 
Through and on ward through more olive groves I spot a few stone igloo shaped constructions as we headed south I missed the chance of a photo so I'll have to remember when I head north.... Curious little huts!
Into Bari and I'm walking through a grid of buildings and shops all at least 3 or 4 stories tall, on towards where Google reckoned the hostel is..... It got it wrong.... Often Google maps has left and right of the road backwards no matter where in the world you are! 
A quick recce and I've found the location and booked in. 
A couple in their late 30's I'd guess, nice and friendly tho! 
A good bit of banter later and I'm in planning the next few days.the view from my balcony.... Very typical of Italian towns.

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