Short blog for two days for sure!
Stockholm to Oslo..
Away early having given my breakfast token to my dorm mate, the 7.27 train excludes that lovely breakfast!!!
But I'm on a mission that I won't complete until three days from now ... It's a bit daft really as it's only a selfie ..... But you'll see ...
The train journey, Sweden is really really flat the scenery doesn't change much either, pine trees, silver birch, one small gathering of oak!
I did see some reindeer! Briefly!!
This isn't a country of expansive views the farthest horizon being no more than a mile away.
At 11.45 we cross into Norway country number 11!
We're in logging country passing a huge train full of logs and a logging yardbefore passing through this fairly populated area, the houses are certainly clustering together whereas in Sweden they keep their distance!
Into Oslo and the station, my first view is of a cruise ship from inside the station!stepping out and Oslo seems to be the epitomy of multiculturalism, not in a good way, on top of this my hostel which is only a short walk from the station is pretty much where the druggies and down and outs gather for a fix or whatever.... Travelling can't always be about wonders!
I get food in hunker down in the very empty hostel for the night, I'm alone in a 6 bed dorm.... But it has a kitchen built in! So I can cook....a pizza.... I'm so sick of pizza!! 😁
Oslo to Stavanger
Today's trip is shorter than yesterday but takes longer!
The landscape is different, it's like taking a train through southern Scotland to to Scotlands northwest, hilly covered in trees going to mountains with steep drops and eventually huge boulders I mean at least the size of houses!! and no I didn't manage to get a decent picture!!!
The weather isn't the best and doesn't look to change before I leave this area!
So all pictures are grey! No sign of spring in Norway!
It did brighten up about half way as we entered Kristiansand with it's houses set amongst boulder like cliffsthe blue skies did lighten my dozing mood! This is the first train I've actually fallen asleep on!!
I'm so looking forward to driving in Iceland!!!
First impressions of stavanger, this is a port town so lots of restaurants to cater for the cruise ships it feels ok tho, much better than Oslo....
Finding the hostel I'm shown around by Flora a Cuban lady speaking Spanish in Norway.... Oh this is fun!!
She's actually lovely and got a big hug and called momma by me! I think she liked that! 😁
This dorm is for 4 plus another four beds in a separate room, but bonus there's another kitchen! I'm joined later by a French chap who's driving and climbing (I think)!
Really nice guy we managed some good banter! he offered that we should go out for a meal in town, but I'm done in, a quick meal from the food I'd bought in town and my head was down!
And I slept!!!!