Walking 1000 miles from Lands end to John O'Groats in aid of The Air Ambulance (starts april 7th 2024)

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Day 28 Travelling in style!

My Dorm mates aren't early risers! 
They are both light sleepers tho..... I'm sort of glad tho as I can say goodbye, something I'd have regretted not doing, every time a connection with people is made it's important! No matter how briefly you meet folk! 
I'm sure tho that their next lay in will be appreciated! 
Down stairs and there is a tumult of children and teachers/guardians all rushing for food and available seats at tables, as I'd already packed and brought my pack down with me claiming a seat wasn't difficult these rug rats weren't shifting this pack! 
A well loaded plate with meats cheeses croissant and yogurt etc coffee juice .... You make the most of every meal traveling! 
And with time being shorter than I'd hoped I wolfed it down! Glugging the juice and coffee as I dump the tray into the supplied rack I'm out the door! 
The paths down into town are a bit slippy at this time but it didn't effect my progress and I made it to the Glacier express train as they opened the gates to let travellers on board, claiming my seat and an early place in the nearby rack for my rucksack.
And I settle for the day. 
I'm in an aisle seat but with the panoramic windows I can see that this won't be an issue! 
The electric motors start up and the train is away we're following the same stretch of track in reverse as the one we'd ascended up to Zermatt and with my rearward facing seat the view was much the same
a final glimpse of the Matterhorn and the downward progress speeds up, happily not as much as in 2010 when the glacier express derailed the only time in it's history in this current form. 
Down to Visp where my earlier connection up had been made, the train headed northeast along the valley the river Rhône had formed, the train passed various villages with it's people travelling more by ski than road it seemed
these people have good lungs!!!.
I hadn't expected this valley to gain the altitude it did after Andermatt but looking back at the map it's obvious!
the views are stunning clear skies really helping with the views
some appealing to my fondness for dilapidated sheds!
this train is really quite posh with waitress regularly attending to people's needs for coffee alcohol etc.
I've never been on a train with this kind of service and come lunchtime where bottles of wine and freshly prepared meals were being served it showed as I the only person doing it tucked into my packed lunch! 

I had poshed it up a bit with walnut bread,Swiss cheese and tongue in jelly with mustard.... I'm sure it still raised a few chuckles!
Still the views were more than distracting

and at Oberalp pass we reached the highest point reaching 2033 meters
yep the cable cars were going higher of course but I wouldn't swap places this is bliss! 
The descent started the views maintaining their magnificence with waves of clouds breaking over one range
down the other side and the track follows the Vorderheim river through canyon like cliffs with curious erosion and the deep sky blue water
at a place called Tamins the river joins the Rhein which we follow to Chur, a stop and quick turn around and the track curves south west before turning south and up the valley of the Lei Burvagn river, staying with this river it reaches a Hydro electric power station fed by the lake Lei de Mormorera who's tributary river continued below us, we pass over this on a 65mtr high viaduct before Filisurthe image online being considerably better than mine! 
soon were through the last tunnel (no193) and over the last bridge (no 291!) and into the snowy and expensive town of St Moritz!
leaving the train behind I have a 2k walk around the frozen lake before getting to my B&B, minimal and expensive at 165 Swiss francs but still the cheapest in this town!
Still it's nice to have a room to myself for once!