Through the levels here I can see hundreds of Egret's! (Small White heron's for descriptions purposes!) at home your lucky to see one!
The first hill of the day and the path leads to Yarley then into Wooky, and find an open cafe! Full English thank you!!!
I didn't realise how much I'd need this yet!
On into Wooky hole and a nice reminder of the state of mind I'll need to complete this endeavour, talking with strangers can be enlightening..... I'll claim re enlightening!
Onto the monarch way out of Wooky hole and the path is the sharpest longest ascent of the walk so far easily 60° up to 260 meters with the isle of Avalon (Glastonbury) disappearing into the mist behind me, what this view must be like on a clear day!!!
A memorial on a stile on the way up seemed rather apt for me... See pic!
The usual flat topped hills here, I'm at the top of the Mendips with a mixture of heathland, woods and farmland and a gentle descent to Litton for about 4pm and a pub bar snack and a tester of a cocktail! First and last of the walk I imagine! Free was a bonus!! 😁
From here it was a short walk on level country lanes to the woods I'm currently wild camped in with birds singing away as I write this .... I think an owl at one point to!