Up bright and early, and it's too my favourite little takeaway pizza shop, loaded up with food and I'm into the metro and on my way to the Vatican busy train today must be catching the rush hour, I'm off again at Ottaviano station and only a short walk to the Vatican border, well the walk got longer as I had to queue for a bag check before entry.... Longest queue since I saw star wars in 1977!
worth the wait tho, you really can't go to Rome without seeing the St peters Square and the basilica.. Through the gate and I'm surrounded by two semi spherical rows of columns with saints on the top and the basilica aheadthis is the largest basilica in Christianity and with my first part to visit being the dome I can believe the claim! Climbing a spiral ramp up to save a 5 euro charge for the lift..... And I'm in the domeand looking down on the proceedings belowyep it's high with the walkway walls decorated in mosaic
Rather beautiful up here, following this was a walk to the balcony of the dome, yep I'd misunderstood what they meant, more up! And this facing one of my phobia spiral staircases!!
I can never clear the idea of plummeting down them!
Starting with a ramp where the curvature of the dome has you walking leaning to the right way a rather awkward angle, difficult for the old folk going up! Then it's time for the tight spiral and no rope or handrail in sight..... Yeah I'm probably a bit pale going up here!.... Then the final stretch the tightest spiral I've been up! Thank the gods it has a rope!!!..... You'll notice the lack of photos for this accent ... Hands probably too shaky!!
Onto the balcony .... Oh my!!!
This really appeals to my love of panorama and roof views! Incredible! The history laid out in front of me! Thousands of years to survey!saint peters Square laid out before me looks like the needle on a compass pivoting on the obilisco vaticano and pointing east towards the holy land! How many pilgrims have headed east from here crossing the Tiber and picking their route to Jerusalem or disaster?... Back down those stairs I trick my overthinking mind by following a big group of people.....I can't even see the spiral!
Out of the dome the route takes us onto the roof and the rear of the statues looking from the basilicaand at our rear the outside of the dome rears up with the tiny metal fence visible below the top most columns that had enclosed us during our viewing!back down the now easy ramp and I'm into the basilica with it's abundance of gold and renaissance art work the Papal alter is surprisingly dark being made from black marble from Greece although it's thick with gold and so tall!each wing of the basilica is thick with artwork and the the remains of past popes this one being pope Pius the tenththe crypts below hold the coffins of about 20 more popes and dignitariesin various displays of basic humility with plain designs to indicate and rather gaudy excess.... The only pope I've paid any attention to in my life is Pope John Paul the second I only found a painting of him here....I think he was polish likely buried back at home! back up into the basilica and passing groups of pilgrims entering with cross bearers in the forebefore I exit past the Swiss guards on duty.... Normally very stoic and straight of face I capture the chuckle of one as he watches a little girl playing on the steps!good to see the humanity!
Walking along the road east from the square I reach the Ponte Vittorio Emmanuel the second, the bridge over the Tiber pausing amid the traffic to catch this pic!
I don't cross the bridge I follow the bank of the river north east to the Castel Sant'Angelo the history of this place goes back millennia! It was to be the tomb of Hadrian and his descendants which this image portrays it's use alternated between castle, private residence and today the museum and tourist trap it is, with another roof top view taking in part of the city walls here
looking up I see a familiar angel with the sword pointing down if you've watched Angels and Demons the Dan Brown book/movie you'll know it, tho here it's certainly not pointing towards the base of the Illuminati!
inside and the usual multitude of renaissance art and beautiful ceilings, ancient weapons and armour being on display
the amount of ancient art I've seen in the last month is blinding me too that on display just catching my humour with this carving of the Madonna and child.... Or to me a scene from Punch and Judy!
a fair comparison I think!
Out into the air I'm sitting feeding a pigeon and luring it close until eats from my hand.... Catching a few smiles from passers by I guess most ignore these birds
this one went away with a belly full of nuts and grain.
I had intended to go to see the Mausoleo Di Augusto but like many places this was under renovation.... Having to settle for seeing a pretty smart corvette nearby
made my way back to the hostel and slept....
I didn't realise how tired I was and how hungry...... I seem to have neglected the meals and pushed too hard in my race around Europe.... Gotta change down a gear and organise rest days rather than push until my body calls a halt!
As it is I've spent days 40+41 sleeping and eating and resting!
And now feeling the better for it..... I'm off to Naples or Pompeii next ....I have to plan it so I don't know which yet.... But I will need energy!.......