The usual continental breakfast down and a quick stop in the hostels bar toilets..... Best urinals I've ever seen! 😁 and I'm off to Laumier metro for the last time!
Sitting next to a Mother of two young kids it struck me that even the smallest of them can speak better French than me! Hilarious that I've managed to deal with or be dealt with by everyone I've met/spoken to!
I may lean French when/if I get home..... I may say the same about the language of every country I travel through! Who knows it could be a new hobby lol!
I learned a few other things today if someone is trying to help randomly be vigilant! I was at the bus station at Bercy Seine and couldn't see where my bus was leaving from, a chap comes over to 'help' out and takes me to a bus he said was the one I needed, then starts the patter for getting money out of me .... Which I didn't have any intention of giving him, I thought I'd be nice about it and give him 2 euros the only change I had he asked for more.... So I shut him down saying I had no more cash, I did of course but I'm not admitting that!
Safe to say he stormed off away from me and the wrong bus!
Never look confused/lost it leaves you vulnerable!
Looking up at the display my bus was now visible and easy to locate thankfully!
So on I got and left my pack in the bus cargo hold, the trip was pretty enough tho still under grey clouds, I've yet to see the sun in France!. After the bus trip ended at Caen I saw some of the straps on my pack had been undone, as hoped the kit I keep in my main pack is of low resalable value, tho priceless to me!
Whoever looked through didn't want any of it!
Seems this is the right way of dealing with at least this thief!
Initial impressions of Caen are pretty tired commercial/suburban, but I didn't spend much time looking, straight to my nights lodging at 'the Peoples hostel' very new very nice! Check in and store my gear (after checking it!) and go to the bar with a pint and time on my hands I plan my next few days travel..... Visiting Bayeux tomorrow and the trip to Carnac from Caen which is particularly awkward to plan with various bus sections and options to go straight to towns local to Carnac causing greater problems than first impressions would have you thinking! I finally decided to leave Caen a little later on monday and stop at another town sooner into that journey, I'll not say which until I've visited that to keep the blog fresh!.
They have a really nice pizza restaurant at the hostel bar freshly hand made pizzas by an Italian family.... I think the best pizza I've ever eaten!
Up to my dorm and using the hilarious 'Shindlers lift' you couldn't make it up!!---- with it's aid I did make it up! 😁