Walking 1000 miles from Lands end to John O'Groats in aid of The Air Ambulance (starts april 7th 2024)

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Day-47 The sweet spot

As ever a camp beside a river means that you wake up in the mist! And after a clear night it's a now a cold brisk morning. With the sun rising behind me the temperature soon improves and matches the fine views of the wetlands along the river. Wild fowl are in abundance and twitchers are flocking to see (sorry!).
Bad jokes aside ... I walk on into Severn beach and find a bakery open selling breakfast rolls and tea so a quick stop is in order.
Back on the path and following my old route in reverse I find that a cycle way now links up to the industrial estate here, wonder if it existed in 2010? Would have been nicer than the traffic dodging I remember doing! And it really is better wending it's way through the estate with bushes either side and a pleasant steam that looks in a healthy state , you soon forget the sounds of industry around you.
The past joins the Lawrence western lane and over the M5 motorway on a bridge that had been preconstruction back in 2010 requiring an alternative route, today it takes me into the suburbs of Bristol and to a Gregg's where I load up for dinner.
Rejoining the cycle track I head towards the M5 and up onto the bridge over the river Avon , great views back to Bristol and forward to Portishead. My path though wiggles it's was down and under the M5 to join with an abandoned railway before coming back over the motorway to Portbury , where a quick pint of ale in the sunshine set me up for a walk under the Beech trees of prior wood, the path goes uphill here Charlton farm before cutting back into the woods and over to Naish house, a curious building that needs some research doing into its history.
The path i follow then joins an anonymous B road through Lime Breach wood where the occupants of the massive  houses maintain their anonymity with high walls, CCTV cameras and signs warning 'beware ferocious dogs patrol here' just made me more curious to find out who lives here!.

On a bit more along the ridge to the iron age ring fort (pic) of Cadbury Camp where I find my sweet spot for a pitch for the night!