So not likely to be a long blog tonight!
Away from Caen early this morning missing breakfast again, train down to Le man then across to Rennes.
Out the train and walking towards town I head through the Parc du Thabor one of the best town botanical parks in France at some point not that it's likely to be at it's best in winter but I just found it bizarre! presumably it's being set up for a night time display as these weird plastic animals were everywhere!then there's the questionable statues.......
Out of the park and into the old town and it's my kind of place beautiful old houses that are trying their best to fall down!
But Rennes is full of them! The the statue is of mayor leperdit from 1793..... Probably did something.... 😄
One thing I've found in Brittany (Bretagne- couldn't that sound like Britannia!) is a lot of British flags and in this town a British themed sweet shop and a British Tea room!
Temperature today is darn low so I've not spent too long wandering, by three ish I was at the hostel which I can describe as resembling a British youth hostel. but it's cheap and it's clean two other chaps in the dorm so far all about my age +- 10 years.
They make dinner from 8pm so I've been making coffee on my stove probably not allowed but they won't know ....
All good as ever!
Still not had dinner but been sitting in the dorm with two french men and a Catalan, We've been laughing discussing everything under the sun! Brilliant fun ... A great end to the day!